Friday, September 25, 2009


Camden had another appointment with Early Intervention this morning. The physical therapist was supposed to come over at 9:00am. At 9:05am I got a call from the office that our lady would have to cancel because she couldn't find her keys. Gee, you think they would have let me know as soon as she called into work, not after she was already late! Geez! Anyway, we were able to get her to come later in the morning. Camden is right on track for his age physically, and above average in his verbal skills! I am so excited. He still keeps his hands in fists and tucked up close, but he is getting better at it, and it should eventually go away. He was really showing off all his skills this morning. He was also talking up a storm. It was so nice to hear that he is on track with things, such a relief.
As for Sophie, we got the official results from her speech evaluation. She is in the 6th percentile for her speech articulation. This means that she definitely qualifies for services through Early Intervention, and that she will also qualify for services through the school district once she turns three. There is a state funded preschool that she will be eligible for, we just have to be able to get her there for it. Unfortunately, she can't start the school program until she is three years old, so late January. I am excited that she will be getting help though. She will also be having a sensory evaluation done within the next month to see what is going on. Bathing her is a struggle, and she is getting more freaked out by loud noises.
All in all, things are going very well though.

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