Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Camden's in School!

Camden had his first day of preschool yesterday at the local elementary school. He has been so excited to start. My mom took Sophie to school so that I could take Camden(we hadn't been able to get him on the bus yet). Linley and I took him to school, and walked him in. He was so happy! As soon as we walked in the classroom, he got nervous though. He begged me not to go. It was so sad, my heart broke. Luckily, he has an incredible teacher, and teacher's aide. Camden was happily playing with another boy from class before I even walked out the door to leave.

I cannot believe my sweet little boy is in school. I feel like time is passing way too quickly. I swear high school is just the blink of an eye away. Or so it feels.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

My Boy is 3!!

My sweet little Camden turned 3 on December 27th, 2011. I cannot believe just how big he has gotten!
Camden will be starting a developmental preschool on January 3rd, through the local elementary school. He is so excited!
Sophie is as sweet and sassy as ever. She is in preschool two days a week, and enjoying every minute of it.
We have a new addition to the family too, sweet Linbley Corinne. Well, she was born October 23rd, 2010, so she really isn't all the new anymore. I've just been horrible with keeping up the blog!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

All the craziness.....

Well, luckily I didn't promise to keep up with things! Time just seems to fly by, even though nothing gets done. Here goes another round of updates....

Sophie: Had her tonsils and adenoids out on Monday, along with an upper GI scope(EGD). The EGD looked really good, and now we just wait for the results of the biopsies, which should be here within a week. We ended up in the ER due to dehydration, got some anesthesia suckers, and now Sophie is drinking like a champion(water and juice that is!), and is a different child. She is an amazing little girl, and each time we were in the hospital, all she wanted to do was to come home to her "brudder".

Camden: He is just growing and changing daily! Each day he learns something new, a new word or gesture, or funny little expression. At his 18 month well child check, he was 34 inches tall, and almost 31 pounds! He is only 4lbs less than Sophie, what a chunk!

Glenn & I: Nothing new here. Glenn is just atarting his summer class after a wonderful 2 week break. When this class is over, he will only have 3 left, woo hoo! Other than that, there isn't much going on. Glenn and I decided not to find out the gender of this newest baby, so we will have a nice surprise at delivery. I am now 24 weeks along, and have made it this far without any complications. Sophie got to feel the baby move for the first time the other day, and now constantly puts her hand on my belly trying to feel him/her again. It's really sweet.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Let's Try Again....

Okay, so apparently I shouldnt be making any New Year's resolutions! Obviously, I haven't kept up with the bloggeing, but I'm here to try again!

Here are updates on us:

Sophie: She is doing awesome in her speech therapy, and loves going to our neighborhood elementary school for this. She has three more weeks until summer vacation. I don't know yet if she will be doing it again next year, but I think they will reevaluate her at the beginning of the school year. She is getting ot be such a big girl! She got her first stitches. 9 of them really! She tripped and fell on a metal bedframe while on vacation. Now, anytime she falls or get hurt, she checks for blood!

Camden: He walks, he talks, and he loves! He started walking at about 14 months, and started talking about then too. He has a much bigger vocabulary than Sophie did at this age too. He was evaluated by a speech therapist at 12 months because he still wasn't saying mama or dada or anything! They said to give it until 15 months, well he barely beat the cutoff! He is still really clumsy, and runs into things a lot. He will be going in for a vision screening sometime in the next few months, courtesy of Early Intervention. Camden is such a sweet little boy, and is liberal with is hugs, though his kisses are still slobbery messes.

Glenn and I: Glenn is still chugging along on his Masters degree, and it is going pretty well, though he's ready to be done. I am finally graduating! This Saturday at 10am, I will offiially be done with my degree! Now, after all that work, I plan on staying home with the kids. Oh yeah, we are also expecting a third child! I am officially due November 11th, but my midwife said she will be really excited if I make it past October 21st with my history of having early babies. We shall see! Okay, that's about all I have for now. I must get back to cleaning the house for the graduation party we will have this weekend!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New year, new posts!

Okay, I really fell off the wagon with giving updates. Things got pretty hectic, but my new year's resolution is to be a better blogger.

Christmas went well. Both kids slept in so Glenn and I were awake and just waiting for them to get up. This is the first year that Sophie really understood the concept of Santa Clause, though she was confused as to why he would come to our house when she was sleeping and couldn't see him. Both kids got WAY too many toys(but are still enjoying them!). We had a nice dinner at Aunt Janna's where we got to visit with Nana, Papa, Uncle Dave(and his new girlfriend?), Great Grandpa and Grandma, and Uncle Chuck and Aunt Sue. It was a wonderful day that we got to spend with family, and we couldn't have asked for more.

Camden's 1st birthday was December 27th. I cannot believe that my little baby is one! HE didn't care a thing for unwrapping his presents, but his sister and niece had fun! He absolutely LOVED his birthday cake though, and made a huge mess. We had fun hanging out with family again(the same people as on Christmas). Camden is a master crawler, but has no confidence to try anything close to walking. He occasionally says something that sounds like a word, but then doesn't repeat it, so I still don't consider him saying nay words. He is still a pretty good-natured boy.

Sophie is doing well too! She will be three on the 25th. She had fun at Camden's party, and couldn't believe that all the people will be coming back in a few weeks to celebrate her own birthday! She is excited and wants a purple cake and ice cream. She is still absolutely in love with her little brother, and hugs and kisses him all day. I have to pull her off of him sometimes because she can be a bit overwhelming! She will be starting speech therapy through the school district as soon as she turns three. We are all very hopeful that this will help tremendously!

Friday, September 25, 2009


Camden had another appointment with Early Intervention this morning. The physical therapist was supposed to come over at 9:00am. At 9:05am I got a call from the office that our lady would have to cancel because she couldn't find her keys. Gee, you think they would have let me know as soon as she called into work, not after she was already late! Geez! Anyway, we were able to get her to come later in the morning. Camden is right on track for his age physically, and above average in his verbal skills! I am so excited. He still keeps his hands in fists and tucked up close, but he is getting better at it, and it should eventually go away. He was really showing off all his skills this morning. He was also talking up a storm. It was so nice to hear that he is on track with things, such a relief.
As for Sophie, we got the official results from her speech evaluation. She is in the 6th percentile for her speech articulation. This means that she definitely qualifies for services through Early Intervention, and that she will also qualify for services through the school district once she turns three. There is a state funded preschool that she will be eligible for, we just have to be able to get her there for it. Unfortunately, she can't start the school program until she is three years old, so late January. I am excited that she will be getting help though. She will also be having a sensory evaluation done within the next month to see what is going on. Bathing her is a struggle, and she is getting more freaked out by loud noises.
All in all, things are going very well though.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Speech evaluation and reflux

I'll do this in two parts since there are updates for both kids.
Sophie: Well, Sophie had her speech evaluation on Tuesday and it went very well. It was right before nap time, but she was so well behaved and sweet. Sophie is such a smart girl! Because we are going through Early Intervention, she had to have a full evaluation done. Intellectually, she is a bit advanced, but unfortunately the speech therapist said that onyl about 30% of what she says can be understood(by people other than those around her all the time). Her brain seems to work faster than her mouth can. The beginning of her words are all jumbled up, but the ends of her words are much better. She also doesn't open her mouth as much as she should. The good thing about this is that there is nothing physically wrong with her mouth, and with some therapy, she should get things resolved with no lasting problems. One thing that the therapist noted was that Sophie seems to be very detail oriented. When shown a picture of a rabbit and asked what it was, Sophie woudl say that it was an orange carrot(there was a small orange carrot in the rabbit's mouth). Same thing with a picture of a house, Sophie picked out the red door to name, and then the window. So, the speech therapist sent her recommendation to EI, and we should hopefully get some speech therapy started soon!

Camden: Camden has not been sleeping well at all! He is up crying and fussing every 1/2 hour or so, arching his back, and just being very restless. He also hasn't been napping more than 1/2 hour during the day (this from a kid that has slept through the night since birth!) He has also been very whiney and been having more pooping issues than normal, and started eating constantly. He would nurse three to four times a night, and eat during the day sometimes until he pukes. Things have just been getting worse and worse. He finally had an appointment with his gastroenterologist, adn when I explained everything that had been gong on, she said he has reflux! Unfortunately, by the time things get this bad, there is a lot of damage in his esophogus, so it is going to take a while for him to start feeling better. She said that one of the first things we had to do was get him to not eat for a minumum of 10 hours a night, but to try for 12 hours if we could. Apparently there are some things that grow in your belly during the night to aid in digestion, but when you eat, they are flushed down. Since Cam is eating all the time, they don't have a chance to build up, and are making his digestion worse. So, even thoguh he was in pain and hungry, we had to just let him cry all night long. It was horrible! The only thing that made it bearable was knowing that this is what is medically best for him. He is also on the same dose of Prevacid that Sophie is, but that takes a while to start really working. Since Sophie responded so well to it, the doctor is hoping for similar results with Camden. Even though it's only been a few days on it, we already notice a difference, so we are keeping our fingers crossed. Also, since Sophie has reflux at her age, the doctor said that we can expect Camden to have reflux well into toddlerhood.