Well, luckily I didn't promise to keep up with things! Time just seems to fly by, even though nothing gets done. Here goes another round of updates....
Sophie: Had her tonsils and adenoids out on Monday, along with an upper GI scope(EGD). The EGD looked really good, and now we just wait for the results of the biopsies, which should be here within a week. We ended up in the ER due to dehydration, got some anesthesia suckers, and now Sophie is drinking like a champion(water and juice that is!), and is a different child. She is an amazing little girl, and each time we were in the hospital, all she wanted to do was to come home to her "brudder".
Camden: He is just growing and changing daily! Each day he learns something new, a new word or gesture, or funny little expression. At his 18 month well child check, he was 34 inches tall, and almost 31 pounds! He is only 4lbs less than Sophie, what a chunk!
Glenn & I: Nothing new here. Glenn is just atarting his summer class after a wonderful 2 week break. When this class is over, he will only have 3 left, woo hoo! Other than that, there isn't much going on. Glenn and I decided not to find out the gender of this newest baby, so we will have a nice surprise at delivery. I am now 24 weeks along, and have made it this far without any complications. Sophie got to feel the baby move for the first time the other day, and now constantly puts her hand on my belly trying to feel him/her again. It's really sweet.